“Passion and dedication second to none”

Shirallee Hohia - Merrivale Primary School

I have been honoured to be part of Matua Te Reiroa's Maurākau and Whare Tapere sessions over the last 2 years as he has shared his knowledge and expertise with tamariki from Year 2 to Year 6. His passion and dedication is second to none. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow under his guidance in 2023. 

“An invaluable part of running our event.”

Tristan Hancock- Ethno New Zealand

Te Reiroa was an invaluable part of running our event. He brought a depth of understanding of te ao Māori and connecting it to the modern world. 

“Passionate and knowledgeable.”

Rachel Beale- Welcome Bay Primary School

Te Reiroa connected with our tamariki and created a safe and encouraging environment from the start. His sessions are engaging and always have a variety of skills. He is passionate and knowledgeable around Te Ao Māori and is respected by all his learners. He communicates well with staff and students. It has been a pleasure having Te Reiroa in our school running mau rakau and watching our tamariki thriving and growing into proud and disciplined young men and women. 


“Bringing Wisdom and Joy”

Hanna Wiskari Griffiths- Ethno New Zealand 2023

All of us who were part of Ethno NZ 2023, an annual intercultural marae based musical residency, truly felt privileged to learn from and with Te Reiroa. Not only did he generously share his deep knowledge of Te Ao Māori and the beauty of taonga puoro with us all, he also showed so much openness and curiosity for the musical collaborations that took place during Ethno NZ. Te Reiroa was an invaluable part of our kaupapa and he brought both wisdom and lots of joy to us all.